Rachel Leach пом. до 1671

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Rachel Leach

Lawrence Leach [Leach] нар. близ. 1577 пом. червня 1662

Elizabeth [?] пом. 1674



до 1561 шлюб: John Sibley [Sibley] пом. 1661

до 1671 смерть:

до 1671 шлюб: Thomas Goldthwaite (Goldthait, Goldthrite, Goldthwait) [Goldthwaite] нар. близ. 1610 пом. близ. 1683


  1. [[1]] - "The Goldthwaite Genealogy" by Charlotte Goldthwaite, 1899.

Від дідів до онуків

Lawrence Leach
народження: близ. 1577
заняття: Beverly, Mill Owner
шлюб: Elizabeth
інше: 18 травня 1631, made freeman of Massachusetts
смерть: червня 1662, "age 82 or 85"
== 2 ==
Richard Leach
смерть: 1647
Thomas Goldthwaite (Goldthait, Goldthrite, Goldthwait)
народження: близ. 1610, England
заняття: Cooper
еміграція: близ. 1630, Lincolnshire (England)
інше: 14 червня 1631, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "It is ordered that Mr Pelham shall pay unto Tho: Goilthayt the sum of v1 (whereof 5 nobles is already pd) wch the court hath awarded him to pay, to make good a covenant betwixte them."
інше: 14 травня 1634, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Tho: Gaildthaite" was made freeman of Massachusetts.
шлюб: Elizabeth , Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, probably
власність: 4 травня 1636, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Thomas Goldthwaite, being an inhabitant, is granted 10 acres of land."
власність: 20 грудня 1636, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "It is ordered that Thomas Goldthwait shall have a tenn acre Lott vpon the neck of the North Syde of the Riuer pvided that if in case yt he be not dismissed vnto the church att Salem (from Roxbury), yt then hee leaue it vnto the Towne elce to be his owne.
власність: близ. 1637, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, Division of Meadow Lands: "Tho: Goldthwait, with three in his family, is given two quarters" "a 10 acre lott and a howse lott were regarded as a proper allowance for the head of a family."
інше: 5 червня 1637, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, admitted a member of the Salem Church
власність: 15 лютого 1644, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Tho: Goldthwite desires some land"
шлюб: Rachel Leach
смерть: близ. 1683, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Sibley
шлюб: Rachel Leach
смерть: 1661, Manchester (England)
== 2 ==

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